Right now, I should have been working on my tasks, but instead, I open this diary and started writing! Haha.

At first, I really wanted to vent because the Mega Call officer didn’t hang up my call. I forgot to hang it up because I was in the middle of answering Slack Chats. “These guys really tried hard to farm money from the customers, even from customer calls. Not only that they intentionally made the call longer by informing ads we don’t need (I’ve already told him that I wanted to stop my credit card services earlier), but he also intentionally didn’t hang up either!

N then suddenly some sort of enlightenment came up to me?

I answered Slack chats with a more systematical approach, and in more formal and passive way, the way Japanese would communicate. I talked to the Mega Call officer using a very happy tone, without my usual upsetting tone, and I also gave thanks to Bayu from EF even though he’s a sales, which profession I really hate the most.

Turns out, I somehow am having a better and more positive energy, right after that (?)

Maybe I’ll just have to go back to how I used to be. Less salty. Look everything on the bright side. Even though the events are unfortunate, and I’m supposed to be sad, or angry; having positive vibes allows me to let problems slide away without consuming me.

I can just have this “shoganai” attitude.

Maa ii yo, shoganai desu ne.

Hopefully this will ease my hardships in my workplace and with my boyfriend as well.

Yesterday, I was so close to resigning from my work, but today, the feeling is not that intense anymore. Maybe because the light mode workload has been slowly decreasing, and that I found a little bit of peace at work in Fridays (?).

So I thought to myself, maybe I should switch my WFO days from Wed, Thu, Fri to Mon, Tue, Fri, or Mon, Wed, Fri, as long as 2 of the days are the low-traffic ones, maybe it can improve my mood in working somehow. Since the busy days really drain my energy, let alone those two girls who are full of talk -_-. Don’t get me wrong. They’re basically nice persons. But the timing isn’t always right. I need time to focus on my work, and listening to their banter sucks my soul way too much. Not to mention that it is really cold at work, and that my heater was taken by my friend. I bought the heater, but it’s not me who’s using it ~_~ honestly I don’t know anymore…

Re: my boss, not sure if something’s up, but she’s recently has been pretty calm. I just hope that she’ll control her emotion better next time. And as for me, I’d better learn to read the room, discerning of when I can talk back and when I’d just need to say “Yes, maam,” just for the sake of agreeing to disagree.

The company also announced that there will no longer be food caterings and snacks available for us employees. I rarely get the chance to grab the snacks tho, since I don’t usually come early, and that some people just grab an extra 2 or 3 snacks just because they’re greedy Indonesians. Honestly, I am quite sick of their attitude who are either-insert negative adjective here-opportunist, or lazyass-still-good-that-it’s-done. I want to learn an excellent kind of attitude by working abroad or at least remotely. So my plan for the near future is to be frugal, save up by using public transportation, use that extra money for Japanese and English language lessons, so that I can kickstart my professional international journey sooner.

I was hoping to create an English-Japanese blog entry everyday for learning, but looking at today’s entry that has lots of complicated words, I kinda worry I wouldn’t be able to pull that off for today, and that it’s already 2:32, cause I spend some time with my bf playing Ember Knights. It’s a good game ngl. Will we able to beat the game? Haha…

Tomorrow (or today? since it’s already Saturday..) will be held Twilite Orchestra in Tennis Indoor Senayan, featuring video games song. I wonder will I be sleeping in the middle of the session? Haha.. Cause I was asked by Puni to help assisting her as a crew for she will present as a cosplayer in the middle of the session. I will bring my tablet and earphone so I can study Japanese grammar all day. And hopefully (again) not to fall asleep! If my energy level allows me to, maybe I will stay until the concert is finished, because the concert is about video game music, be it Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, etc.

So Long~ Til we meet again 😉

mumet bgt kepala. pgn risain trus ga ngapa2in. cuma turu, streaming, belajar bhs jepang, lamar2 kerjaan, or ya persiapan language course kalo bener2 ga diterima dimana2

tapi mslhnya gw bener2 hrs memperhitungkan banget pengeluaran di sana gimana dan butuh brp duit dllnya. karena ini bakal jadi the biggest expense in my life. sbnrnya orang2 ada yang beli mobil cash 300 juta an. dan ya anggapannya gw ngelakuin itu tapi utk hidup/life experience gw instead of buat mobil.

but for now ini gw kelarin dlu aja deh. utk resignnya gw lg mikir enaknya mau kapan. gw cari dlu d email notice period gw berapa hari hmm

sbnrnya utk hidup ini gw butuh 10 juta sih at max. 3.5 jt buat kontrakan, sisanya subscriptions gaje. nah jika dihitung sama transport dan makan, itu lah yg gw butuhkan utk just living. kalo ditambah sama nabung, berarti bisa sambil freelance / nyisihin berapapun lah dari gaji. kalo seandainya najis dan amit2 gaji gw turun ke 20 jt.

ato bikin agency dan cari project freelance an 🙁

ato gw bikin template figma yg dijual d market place.

ato jadi fotografer stock photo.


yg jelas gw dah suntuk dan jenuh bgt kerja unless gw kerja remote/pindah ke luar negeri.

kzl bgt bgt sama maybank karena pas bgt lg beli sketcher yg smpe 5 jt an malah ga bisa gesek karena katanya limit visa 14x trx sehari. itu tolol bgt sih. gw dah google dmn pun gak ada aturan kyk gitu. kalo pun limit tuh 15 gak sih ato 10. aneh bgt 14x. pas banget pas gw mau trx yg gede. emg anjing. hrsnya gw blg kalo gw bakal riset dlu ttg aturan ini dan kalo sampe ga ada, brarti emg maybank yg sengaja manipulasi aturan cuma gara2 kebetulan gw lagi di LN dan itu double point. sama aja kyk jenius yg tiba2 ga bisa topup karena gw lagi belanja banyak. padahal gw bener2 belanja jir, bukan yang kyk transaksi fiktif ato trx bisnis gede2 gitu. bener2 ga habis pikir.

dan ini hr ini gw jln 14k langkah lebih, cuma si willy udh sakit kakinya. katanya sakit yang sampe sakit banget. wajar sih, dia jarang jalan soalnya. gw masih ada lah ke kantor naik kereta jd ada lah jalan gt. trus klo belanja masih kuat jalan. bingung juga ya nanti klo mo ke jepang. itu anak harus gw biasain jalan dulu sih d komplek kyknya tiap sore. klo engga tuh kyknya bisa mampus2an dia d jepang. mana di sana krl nya mahal dan ga bisa taksi / grab juga :/ klo kaki lu metong ya wasalam cuy…

besok2 baru crita soal belanjaan deh. gw cuma lg pusing aja karena gw lamar paypay trus malah di bales nya cepet bgt trnyata. gw pikir bakal agak di ghosting gt kan sampe smingguan lebih. eh ini 3 hari lgsng dikasi design test trus sminggu doang pula batas waktunya. posisi lagi liburan LN. pusing asli. trus JT ini revamp banyak banget jadiin warna putih. gw lg puter otak gmn biar bisa tetep kerja di sela2 commute ato istirahat :/

oke sgitu dlu aja ini willy lg turu soalnya tkt kebrisikan ntr dia ga bs tidur. kesian jg ni anak sbnrnya

decided to create a local directory to host this “lifetime blog”. since I now understand how git works for wordpress, it becomes easier. i basically don’t have to publish this blog if i still got no time. i can just publish this to my private github repository and it just works fine! i can access this from anywhere hahahahaha.

or maybe i should buy a valy cheap domain name? this might be crazy, but worth to try? just discourage search engine from indexing this site, and buy a new domain name, preferrably that has “cokefloat” in it, and then publish it haha. i might be able to join fanlistings if i have this site in public but separated from my portfolio. whaddya say?

also, after doing this hibi project, somehow i feel quite at ease with WP (and with the addition of git, of course!) by using git, it has made my work easier tremendously. I can add functions or css right into the code using sublime. no more using plugins like code snippets or ACF. since this is my own website, i don’t need to use ACF. this blocks editor r fine. make sure to maximize the potential of templates and patterns (dang i’m still having a hard time differentiating these two features).

oh ANOTHER IDEA!!!!! hmmmm actually acf can be good for mood and music / now listening to. or like current location (in a cafe? in my house? near the garage door? etc.)

maybe some cute pixel mood icons that i can just grab from the old sites somewhere since nobody’s gonna know hahahahahahahahahahahaha

shittttt it’s getting excited somehow. is this MY REAL hobby? so if someone asks me, what’s your hobby? i’d gladly answer: making websites. hAHahhahahahhaaa

ok since i havent customized ACF and it’s now 4:10 AM already, and tomorrow (or today?) I still have to go to the office…. (if you’re wondering, i’m working at catalyst now, in piot2) and davin asked if he can go to the office with me and katryn, so i’d better not be late..man..cause davin is my boss :/— i will write my mood and my song here

Listening to: Kaki King Spotify Radio → Alice Lake – North Americans
Location: Cosmo’s Sofabed
Mood: Excited, but tired at the same time (it’s 4 AM in the morning, duh!)
Foodies: Leftover salad, salted egg uncle lim, some sweets (chiki chocoballs, banana choco snacks like deka, etc…)

My Trip, My Advencer

Trans Tipi, 2013

“Alohaaaaa!!” kutujukan pada orang-orang yang terdampar di blog ini. Buat yang belum tahu Ice House Corp: ini adalah nama digital product consultant company tempat dimana gw kerja saat ini. Mungkin kurang bergengsi, karena tidak seterkenal Tekpod, Bukapalak, Jekgo, dan sebangsanya, sehingga orang seringkali salah ingat maupun salah sebut jadi Ice Block, Ice Box, Ice Cube—dan Ice Ice lainya—yang konon penghasilan utamanya adalah dari berjualan es krim. Sedih akutuh. Padahal sesungguhnya pasti kalian tuh pernah pakai mobile app klien-klien kami! *tiba-tiba ngegas*

(Oh iya, yang mau tau lebih lanjut, bisa cek di www.icehousecorp.com. Barangkali ada lowongan yang cocok juga. P.s. desainnya dari akooh lohhh)

Nah, jadi ceritanya tangal 19-20 November 2019 lalu, kami 1 tim desain Ice House berhasil dikirim ke Singapura buat dateng ke event UXSEA Summit 2019: The Future of UX (akhirnyaaaaaa, setelah gigit jari ngeliatin tim lain pada udah dikirim ke berbage macam negara buat training/conference T_T).


got invited by raymond to a whatsapp group containing old gbwc players including destra, herry, and nday. prepared for a shareyourtime photo concept but ended up coming to more meetings resulting in very minimal design work. decided to use father old photos and digging a rabbit hole until finally I revived this site.

this rabbit hole consist of my oldest blogs and sites, containing super random thoughts written by a gen alpha of the 90s. right now is already 4:23 AM and I’m planning to go wfh tomorrow since I still have 3 days left on the last days.

still dont know what to stream for this week tho. prolly pop cap games for low effort freetalks and a random singing competition with gopay prize.

shit. decided to change this site name to chisato0o cause I am afraid of a shameless creature named opiq / opick / opique that will find and stalk this blog eventually.

or should I just make this private instead so it wont be crawled by search engine and web archive? but I have to stay put with the password since I won’t be able to retrieve these writings anymore if I lost it.

Bangun kesiangan T.T, jam 6.39.52 :p. Sampai di sekolah ada kecoa :)), temen sekelas gw, Leo, jungkir balik gara” liat tu kecoa [ceritanya dia takut bgt sama kecoa :p]. Terus pas olahraga, gw, ama temen gw, asik bgt ngeliatin pasangan smu 1 lg beduaan :)) [Jason dan ???? :p].
[nyanyi numb kenceng”] hihihii anak2 smu pada nengok :p ~¢Ü.
Setelah olahraga, temen gwe [Alan] nanya ma gwe *psstt”… mau bocoran soal mat kaga??? :D*. [wew ni anak tumben2 nya mau kasih contekan :D], ya gwe jawab mau :p.
Pas istirahat, gw pengen nanya Edward [edu] kalo dia maen gb apa kaga :)) [caper], tapi ternyata gw diajak ama tmn gw ke kantin, ya gwe belain ke kantin deh, dr pada ga dpt makanan gratis T.T.
Istirahat ke-dua, pengen nanya ma Edward [edu] eh ulangan mat gwe lum selese, dr pada nilai gwe jelek, ya terusin aja T.T.
AKhirnya tiba saat ekskul :D, ganti baju, langsung de ke ruang khusus. Trus belajar teknik2 dasar 1-5. Abis itu pulank dey…
sampe rumah loncat ke kursi trus kakinya ke dispenser, eh CPU dink… *DDJJJIIITTT* nyala deh tuw komputer :D, lanjutin maen ampe malem, jam 4 nya gue ditelpon temen gue gara2 dateng terlambat [guru les nehh gwe], ngajarin dia yg lemot ituw sampe jam 6. Pulang2 langsung nongol lg di depan komputer. Sambil liat komp gue yg gb-nya di standby :p, banyak bgt whisp, trus banyak juga yg add buddy :ppppp. [Ge eR kuSenang].
Laluw maen RO. Account gwe yg masih novice tuw miskin banget ga ada duit. Akhirnya gw pake account gw yg dulu trus pindahin duitnya dr account lama ke account baru pake 2 komputer. Sayangnya komputer yg ke 1 lemot abis!! Jadi baru jalan dikit aja udah ke RESTART sendiri.. T.T jd pusing de gue…

Ah, I should have gone to appraisal meeting with supervisor at 10am, but I missed it cause I overslept. I feel really bad right now because I seem like a person who can’t keep my promises. And I also constantly feeling depleted of energy / drained. I wonder why. Maybe because I try to do so many things at once, while in reality I have to choose which one to focus.

I can’t seem to set my feet on which thing that I’d want to do for the rest of my life. This Product Design thingy is getting out of control for me. In most times, I’d feel so dumb, wondering why my brain has to freeze all the time. And also this discipline problem really sucks my soul out of me. Would I be able to work in Japan someday, like what I have envisioned all this time?

I decided to try stopping my chat, movies, and gaming activities that I used to do (since I’m a natural FOMO), and replacing it with direct work. Well I’m still procrastinating by writing this entry tho, because I want to tell someone, but I have turned of chat (remember?), so I turn to this blog instead. This week would be my golden week cause I still have 1 circle left before I finally start all my extra music lessons again as a chance for me to focus on my work.

I really want to blame something or someone, but deep down inside, I know that the fault is within me. I so fear of missing out that I keep pushing to get everything at once. I hope one day I can be experiencing JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) instead.

from ruruka12.wordpress.com. unknown posting time.

pdhal udh ngeset waktu khusus utk ielts. eh malah ntn yutup btr terus google2 ga jelas akhirnya skr ud jam sgini lg anjaaaaay.. (12.44)

tuolooong gmn y biar bs bobo jam 10 bgt bgt duh.
next time hrs set ngrjain ielts 2 jam min sih. gila. klo krg dr 2 jam kynya gue ngrjainnya ga konsen gt. cpt2. ini kan baru mempelajari trik2nya. jd gpp lah aga lamaan. nanti abis kelar buku nya, baru gw latihan soal dan di timing gt.

btr lg ud mau resign..mgg dpn neh abs performance review gw file in resignartion letter. rsnya idup gw bnr2 ga bs d rasain. ky lewat gt aja. tiap hr cm kantor kosan. trus plg kosan aj msh keinget1 krjaan kantor krn kyk neverending bgt. gw cape si lama2. gw brasa mau family time aj ssh bgt. byk yg hrs d urusin. gw pusing.

pkoknya bsk hrs bs lebi baik lg.
hr ini gw fail krn td plg nungguin vince dl. bsk2 gw gamau nunggu2 lg. bnrn lgsng balik. trs bnrn brgerak sesuai jadwal. n gamau ntn yuuttup kampret lg.
pokoknya hrs fokus. dan ga ad distraction kyk kata cal newport di deepwork n straight a students.

bsk mau onsite.

o iy skr gw kynya ud ga bs tdr d kasur lg. lebi enak d lante man

from diaro

Hi, I’m Riri, the owner of this site. I’m trying to escape from my reality where everything seems to go too fast and I just need a break! Therefore, this site is born (or shall I say: reborn?). Read more about my manifesto here.

From the idea of making a Y2K layouts using modern technologies (I don’t dare to say wordpress is modern tho, well at least it’s not wordpress version 2 anymore!), I wish that I can find these people from the Y2K and do a reunion somehow. Or maybe we can start this little trend of blogging again, where we can exchange links, do blogwalks, signing guest books, etc. If you happen to resonate with my cause, please don’t hesitate to catch up with me!

In the meantime, I am planning to create premade layouts for Wordpress sites that mimics this Y2K style. I is quite hard to find references nowadays since this keyword is not widely used anymore. I hope I can get away from my day job a little bit to set aside time to make this dream come true xx.

  1. 6 Letter to “Atap Rubuh” anggaFebruary 2nd, 2008 at 3:26 amturut berduka cita yg sedalam dalamnya atas meninggalnya Jenderal HJ…

  2. COMMENTS (7) Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity 0 Nina· 36 weeks ago Terus pas banget gw lg kangen en liat lu punya blog. Kayanya…

  3. hahaha, untuk bukan bedak… lebih epic lg rasanya! nice try Valen!!

  4. itu namanya beda prespektif beda pendapat. semuanya bener kok. haha

  5. iye bner, inget bangun tidur langsung mandi, biar fresh baru download lg. =D
