Realizing that I am an obliger
Based on Gretchen’s Four tendencies in her Book That I just begin reading Several days ago, I fall on this Obliger Tendency. That Means, I am better in Meeting outer expectations, but That does not Apply to my own Inner expectations. So I am in Trouble to do better habits for myself.
NEZUMI.CO gains friends!
Yesterday, When I WAS in Junior’s car, I HAD the Urge to explode the idea of nezumi to my Kue SUS Kentut Ringan Friends. And Guess what? They welcome it! And I Realize Now That I CAN not Work Alone. Because it Will BE hard for me to meet my Inner expectations of nezumi in the Future. And by sharing it to THESE People, I’m ALSO sharing my Workload to Them. I’ve Decided not to think about nezumi income, since I still Have a Day job. Here I post some pictures that are going on kue sus kentut ringan friends (now NEZUMI.CO)
This is gonna be the logo direction. Edo suggested that we can mix this illustrative people with the bags. Somewhat like “an illustrated person, wearing real bag.”
Then Zefa came with these illustrations of NEZUMI mascot. CUTE!!
These are the items that I’ve found from SuBaoBao store at 1688. I showed them this so that they can know my product direction ideas.
I am so happy that I tell them my ideas. The more I get insight from them, the more I realize that it’s true if you want to go fast, work alone. If you want to go far, work together.
WIRED – the Retreat (about Logo…)
About my WIRED Logo, I think They do not approve it. Turns out, Thicon IS some kind of a 3rd Party for me and Daniel Lim. He FITS his own taste to the brief he’s handing me. That neon thingy, WAS ALSO his idea (I Might say). So Daniel IS handing out the Logo job to Prischer (I like calling her That way !!). Here I post my previous Concepts for WIRED.

I divide the letters so they can shine on their own. This can also be some kind of branding properties for activation.
These are examples of name tags
Well then. That is my concept of WIRED. I hope the new wired with this requirement of: “strong” but “calm”will turn out excellent. Best wishes for the next designer of WIRED! ^__^
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