Is it anim, anim3, or animE?

I know, A LOT of people in this world loves anime. I love Hikaru no Go :D. So, how do you usually say that word? If you say it “anim” or “anim3? (monst3r), leave that bad habit. The correct spell of it is a-n-i-m-E (dEstiny). Why? I’ve read about the history of Anime in a website. It said that Anime phrase was come from Animation. But Japanese people spell that a-n-i-m-e-s-h-o-n. So, it should be animE not anim or anim3. That’s only my prediction. What’s yours?

Well, all my friends from my older blog n site, if you haven’t linked here, pls tell me!! My past server had errors so I can’t find your links .. 🙁


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