When I thought that my life wanna be a full of happiness, then the conflict comes between me and those ****** viruses. Since my NAV (norton antivirus) trial period has expired, saya gak tahu kalau itu sudah expired, saya masih saja meneruskan my very bad habit -> nge-donlot krek (di indonesia-in.. malu ah ketauan orang luar *diJIKTAS). Until I know that the NAV trial period has expired, I seriously so scared of “them”, then I begin to find CDs which contains antivirus softwares. Firstly, I found the original Norton Antivirus CD but I can’t install it on my computer, I don’t know why. So I tried to install the other antivirus programs. My second choice was PANDA (TruPrevent), reminded about my installer CD is a last year magazine CD bonus .. It made me must do registration for the program, or it’ll won’t work. I resigned.
Because of those ****** viruses, my computer had many serious errors. What’s that ? I don’t know .. but I think it causes my computer slow down (too slow) and made me feels in a terrible situation.
So, viruses.. are dead or alive? (forgive my horrible English 8D)
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