I just finished reading a point in a chapter of The Happiness Project (it’s a book, by Grethen Rubin, in case you’re wondering). It’s called: Spend Out.
“A few years ago, my sister gave me a box of beautiful stationery for my birthday. I loved it, but I’d never use it. When I was mailing some photos to the grandparents, I hesitated to use the new stationery because I was “saving” it; but to what better use could it be put? Of course I should use those notes.
Spend out.”
“In one of my last visits to my grandmother before she died, I picked up the My Sin perfume that had been sitting on her bureau for as long as I could remember. The bottle was still in its box, and when I opened it, I saw that it was still full to the top. I didn’t ask her about it, but I’m sure someone, many years ago, gave her that bottle of perfume and she was “saving it”. For what? After she died, I took the box home with me, and I keep it in my office to remind me to ‘Spend out.’”
I realized that I’ve always resisting on spending out things I have. Those paragraphs totally remind me of my stationery sets and art supplies I’ve bought for myself thinking that I would use that later to increase my drawing skills. Turns out that I’ve rarely used them. Also, I bought books only to leave them inside my drawer, eventhough those are interesting books with 5-stars rating.
I should spend out.
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