Oh, hai.

Finally I got the chance to attend one of the greatest pop culture festivals ever held in Indonesia: HelloFest Anima Expo 9, on November 9th. Spent quite a time finding where it took place (Senayan Swimming Pool area) since usually these kind of festivals were being held inside the Jakarta Convention Center. Turns out, it’s in the same area as JCC. Feeling trolled.
Met many friends on HF (also Nick, for the first time)

Oh man, I should get a real camera. Taking pictures with my current battery-so-leaking phone was a real pain ita.
Then went for a dinner with them @ GI. Wandering around at Gramedia while waiting for the rest of my friends to arrive. Then I saw this:

Purchased my first moleskine notebook, and another for Fu.

Maybe I’ll post my thoughts about this overrated Moleskine thingy.
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