Category: Life

  • Must be my WORST DAYS

    Bung elzan uda mem’bagi’kan plugin-nya secara gratisan di sindang. Sudah ku download, karena aku begitu menantikannya, TETAPI masi belum bisa kuinstall karena. . ga tau kenapa kalau buka program FTP pasti monitornya mati, terus tiba-tiba nyala lagi, kadang mati nya bisa beruntun sampai puluhan kali. . sial, pasti masalah di graphic card, kayak yang waktu…

  • poseidon

    lol, many things happened these days. Final test.. happiness.. sadness.. flipped over ship.. hey wait, flipped over? ship? what’s this? Yeah right, yesterday I went to mall and watched movie in theatre. The title was POSEIDON. Actually, I wanted to watch MI3 but at that time but I’m late for almost 1/2 hours so that…

  • Working on vectors is exciting

    Haha long time not see, I’ve been busy these days because I must prepare myself for final test. Sometimes I take a moment to play online game because this world kinda made me bored for throwing my TV into my sister’s room. Suckass. I can’t play PS2 anymore. So 3 days I played that online…

  • putusan

    kayaknya gw mau tulis entry pake bhs indonesia aja neh lebih enak wiw lagian kaga ada yang baca kali ye *dodot*. Emang bener sih, uda ampir 6 bulan gw tinggalin ni jurnal, kaga ada yang datengin, emang sih gara2 gw kurang promosi pastinya :)) *oon*, tapi yah apa mau dikata, ngepos entry pake bhs inggris…

  • Good Charlotte Obsession

    first, i wanna say sorry to Jen because I updated this site very late. It must be a 22 days plug, not a month. What should I do for ya? ***sob*** okay, about the title-> “good charlotte obsession”. I’ve been obsessed by Good Charlotte because their style and sense of music *argh*, I love them!…

  • Kehidupan itu Aneh

    Halo.. tampaknya last entry gw tidak jelas ya bahasanya :)) biarlah.. yang sudah ya sudah saja. Aneh saja.. orang lagi duka eh yang diomongin PUNGKUT, pungkut aja ga mau diomongin huhu. Itu emang kebiasaan saya, suka ngubah-ngubah lafal bahasa JAKARTA-BARAT. Puncak jadi puncang, giliran sekeranjang jadi sekeranak, bingung juga.. Sejak kematian kucing yang saya ceritakan…

  • Sedihkah?

    Ya ya ya, saya memang salah, kenapa kucing tsb saya PUNGKUT. Lalu saya sebarkan pada kawan “Hei, saya mungkut kucing!” dengan bangganya. Tetapi tanggung jawab tidak menyelimuti saya, akhirnya apa? Mati ? Ya! Sedihkah? Seekor kucing melahirkan 4 anaknya (terlihat seperti itu+), 1 dipungkut saya, yang sisa dipungkut kawan saya, sisanya 1 ditinggalkan di kardus…

  • Fooled?

    Ha ha.. today, I was planning to go to mall with friends and that’s come true. I sat on the right, my friend in the middle and her brother on the left. After reached our destination, we left my car and we went to book store, Aletha (my friend) wanted to buy a pen (only+).…

  • maths insanity

    hello all! I’m sorry I haven’t update this log for several times because of my assignments! I’m very busy these days.. and I had an illness. Then, my computer has been re-formated because of those ****** viruses that I’ve told you in my past entry. Do you remember? 😉 Today, I have assignments again. ya…

  • What a great day!

    Hey, today is a great day! My Geograph teacher didn’t come today. My Science teacher decided to take student’s homework tomorrow, not today. My lunch was Donuts! My computer teacher gave me my friend’s artwork, it’s really amazing! And the last.. I played pip pop games (what’s that?) in Inlingua English class lol, it was…