No linguist anymore

So that I haven’t been here for a short long time (hah). This is terrible, since I don’t have linguist in my computer and I don’t know where is my alfalink. Oh i miss you linguist *weeps*. It’s so difficult to me to write my daily activities in English. *weeps2x*

This site is still under construction. If you find any errors PLS feel free to tell me! And PLS don’t say “HEY YOU MADE A MISTAKE..!!”. English isn’t my 1st language. I knew about was and were function when I was 11. Lol its horrible. And yesterday, I got 5,7 for English paper test. Poor…. *sick*

TODAY is my cousin’s birthday. After reached his house, me and mum went to GAJAH MADA PLAZA and bought many things. I bought banana doll (hah) for the present, and an alarm clock with it’s heart shape for my breakfast in the morning lol. The other things are for my mum and my sister.

I still don’t know how to change the CENTER text-align into LEFT or even JUSTIFY. Because if I change the CENTER text-align in body tags into LEFT, you can’t view my site from IE. It’ll become VERY messed up with main image and sidebar aligned to left. So, change your browser from IE into FIREFOX so your surfing time will full of joy and happyness! (hah)

I added 1 new affiliate. She’s Jen from Pink-noise.US. She’s very kind and talented web designer so take a moment and give her a visit 8D ,,


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