Month: March 2006
maths insanity
hello all! I’m sorry I haven’t update this log for several times because of my assignments! I’m very busy these days.. and I had an illness. Then, my computer has been re-formated because of those ****** viruses that I’ve told you in my past entry. Do you remember? 😉 Today, I have assignments again. ya…
Is it anim, anim3, or animE?
I know, A LOT of people in this world loves anime. I love Hikaru no Go :D. So, how do you usually say that word? If you say it “anim” or “anim3? (monst3r), leave that bad habit. The correct spell of it is a-n-i-m-E (dEstiny). Why? I’ve read about the history of Anime in a…
Viruses are dead or alive?
When I thought that my life wanna be a full of happiness, then the conflict comes between me and those ****** viruses. Since my NAV (norton antivirus) trial period has expired, saya gak tahu kalau itu sudah expired, saya masih saja meneruskan my very bad habit -> nge-donlot krek (di indonesia-in.. malu ah ketauan orang…