Month: March 2006

  • maths insanity

    hello all! I’m sorry I haven’t update this log for several times because of my assignments! I’m very busy these days.. and I had an illness. Then, my computer has been re-formated because of those ****** viruses that I’ve told you in my past entry. Do you remember? 😉 Today, I have assignments again. ya…

  • Is it anim, anim3, or animE?

    I know, A LOT of people in this world loves anime. I love Hikaru no Go :D. So, how do you usually say that word? If you say it “anim” or “anim3? (monst3r), leave that bad habit. The correct spell of it is a-n-i-m-E (dEstiny). Why? I’ve read about the history of Anime in a…

  • What a great day!

    Hey, today is a great day! My Geograph teacher didn’t come today. My Science teacher decided to take student’s homework tomorrow, not today. My lunch was Donuts! My computer teacher gave me my friend’s artwork, it’s really amazing! And the last.. I played pip pop games (what’s that?) in Inlingua English class lol, it was…

  • Viruses are dead or alive?

    When I thought that my life wanna be a full of happiness, then the conflict comes between me and those ****** viruses. Since my NAV (norton antivirus) trial period has expired, saya gak tahu kalau itu sudah expired, saya masih saja meneruskan my very bad habit -> nge-donlot krek (di indonesia-in.. malu ah ketauan orang…