maths insanity

hello all! I’m sorry I haven’t update this log for several times because of my assignments! I’m very busy these days.. and I had an illness. Then, my computer has been re-formated because of those ****** viruses that I’ve told you in my past entry. Do you remember? 😉
Today, I have assignments again. ya ya ya. I must do a chemistry portfolio homework and maths homework with 30 questions inside.

This is the story. WE used English maths book for study maths in school. The price of the book is 200.000 rupiahs or $20. In Indonesia, 200.000 rupiahs is a lil.. expensive la. Then, suddenly the teacher told us that we must buy a new one because the book isn’t match with Indonesian Curriculum =_=. I’ve been searching the book in all of book store in Jakarta but the result is nothing. So I decided to copy it from my friend’s book. But nobody can lend me the book because they haven’t made their homework too! It’s 30 questions with graphic, substitution, and elimination metode methods. The subject I studying right now is linear equation 2 variable or whatever la =_=” how to say it in english. It’s terrible you know.

Well.. it is that I wanna make a new lay out for this log, hee hee agree?


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