Happy Independence Day

I was so busy lately thus couldn’t even update my own blog =/. No, not because of RO-ing made me sooo lazy to update this. But schoolworks =(. The biggest one was business plan, even though it was just first part of the entire business plan, but still. I had to turn off my internet connection so that I wouldn’t go surfing by firefox. It was.. bad. Glad now I’ll have three days holiday (including weekend). Unfortunately I may cannot use this opportunity to rest, but finding links that can be downloaded. Cuz’ speedy is offering a free internet between 8 PM til’ 8 AM.

Happy Independence Day, anyways!


Have a nice weekend, friends. Sorry for my ignorance =(


5 responses to “Happy Independence Day”

  1. happy independence day! want to see you wearing glasses!

  2. hi there… gwa baru melae baca twilight.. lo nge fans berat ya ??
    gwa ada laporan 17an juga looh di blog !! haha promosi deh jadi na..

  3. happy day d00d !

  4. Valehdella Avatar

    Hapy indpendenc dai 2.
    Good luck with your school 😉

  5. akhirnyaa elo update juga.clclclclcl

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