It has been so incredibly long that I’ve left this little tiny writing space alone. Yea I know that you may guess the main reason is goin’ to be ended at Ragnarok Online. But really, it WAS not. I didn’t play Ragnarok Online for almost 2 weeks. A very magical moment.
So, what kind of thing that could replace the existence of this f***in addicting game?
I have never been to Singapore before. That’s why the trip was kind of exciting even though the others said no. I could explore the whole Sg just by MRT. This was like an unaffordable differences between a great country (Singapore) and you-know-who.
The first goal was, to buy other edition of Rubik’s Cube. Straightly went to Toys’r’Us and bought 3 of’em. 2x2x2, 4x4x4, and 5x5x5.

This is Shareen and I.
And didn’t forget to take a photo @ Bugis Junction with my cousin.

@MRT Station LOL. Such a dumb-witted action.

Also, the main destination :
Lasalle, College of the Arts
I didn’t take Raffles Design Institute photo cuz honestly the building wasn’t beautiful.
But on October 2nd, I leave Sg and went to Thailand to find newhalves. I saw too many cute and pretty girls that I already knew they were all transgenders.
This is Shareen with a boy from Thailand. One of newhalf candidates? =/
Final Picture!
Hehehe, real newhalf :3
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