Lucky 2009

A lot of things happened lately. I was finally promoted to grade 12 in the early 2009. I got two projects that soon will fill the emptiness of my portfolio site. My math scores are rising steadily. The last, but not least, I rarely fall asleep in my business class.

At first, I thought that these events happened because of this year is a lucky year. I don’t realise that it might happened as a result of the hardworking me. Sometimes I say to my self that doing these kinds of stuff is really boring, and doesn’t mean anything at all. I have driven my life to design, not to do surgeries. Why bother? But this statement is not.. good.. really.. at all.. my HSC marks will definitely go down because of this.

Another thing that interests me so much is that I got an Indosat3G sim card in my iPhone. That means that e-mail and conversations are going to be so handy! The cons is: it is slow. Not something but snail.
At least I don’t find any problems regarding mail and twitter checking. I am tweeter. I live with twitter every day, even if my updates are so boring, crap, and What The Fish. But I enjoy reading tweets from tweeters that I follow.

Again, I’m a designer, I’m a freelancer. Have some static and simple projects? Talk to me and we’ll think for something more elegant.


2 responses to “Lucky 2009”

  1. just realized that I haven’t subscribed to this blog since you changed the URL :p
    heeey you’re officially my competitor then now? XD

  2. wah zien.. ga terasa sekarang uda grade 12.. itu keren banget! looks like pros! uda lama nih ga bikin apa2.. ajarin dong! hehee.. btw, baru nyadar nih tnyt zien di ipeka yah? gr2 liat, jadi inget dl pernah ikutan icc.. hahaa..

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