Is Thinking For a New Domain Name



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The title looks like twitter status eh? xD. The truth is, I’m planning a new name because current name is going to be expired within 60 days. I already had a plan with Angga to share domain each other but later I think that it’s not going to be that easy, since we are designers and therefore we need our own place to show our portfolios. I think the idea of subdomain is not really good.. people these days are considered to be forgetful for example to remember whether a domain ends with .com, .net. or .org, and the domain name itself; and the last but not least is that: (in my opinion) domain names with our names in it will be easier to remember than those that contain sophisticated words. Noooo offensee!! ^^

Currently interested in the name sinclair/synclair. But everyone knows it’s not my real name ๐Ÿ™ and I can easily change my mind when it is about names.

How about eh? Since is not available ๐Ÿ™ *weeps*.. why is my name so strange?)


3 responses to “Is Thinking For a New Domain Name”

  1. go with Vinesa, and secure the domain a.s.a.p ๐Ÿ˜€
    that’s not weird, really, your name is one of a kind!

  2. zien, sinclair itu apa toh? bagus juga ๐Ÿ˜‰ hihii.. juga ngga ada yah..

  3. hey, saw your link at Virkill’s.
    I’m pretty much surprised to see a girl at such age kicking out some good designs, knows much about the web (plus some mad CSS sklillz, too)
    Keep up the good works!

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