Migration Succeeded!

Muhaaahahaa finally I got this domain name! Thanks Sylvii for your COOL recommendation xD. Gotta get used to type v i n e s a .com asap! It’s hard to decide whether it’s better to change current designs or not because I’m a person that can easily be bored and to be honest I am bored now with my designs (my main site design and this wordpress theme too). Do u guys prefer changes?

Anyways, a quick feelin’: I’m currently addicted to Facebook. I can spend hours accessing it while enjoying a sip of my plain flavoured milk. I say, I enjoy it, but not the apps. I rarely visits my apps that are related to ‘games’ more such as Mafia Wars (which is very popular o.O), Pet Society, Word Challenge, and other PlayFish™ games. That’s why I only keep Nicknames, iDescribe, Twitter, FlickR, etc. But seriously, the comment and like feature is very addicting! They’re like @ and Favourite link in Twitter xD.


3 responses to “Migration Succeeded!”

  1. I like changes, changes are good 😀

  2. wah gan. gw blg ap fb tu kdg2 seru. tp kdg2 boring jg se haha

  3. Selamat bwat pindahannya….

    Salam Kenal…

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