Month: November 2013

  • You only live eleven times

    I really encourage you to continue reading on this. Be relieved!

  • Macaroni House

    Drawing in Macaroni House Pesanggrahan… Place is quite good! But the chair wasn’t very comfortable…

  • HelloFest 9 Hype

    Oh, hai. Finally I got the chance to attend one of the greatest pop culture festivals ever held in Indonesia: HelloFest Anima Expo 9, on November 9th. Spent quite a time finding where it took place (Senayan Swimming Pool area) since usually these kind of festivals were being held inside the Jakarta Convention Center. Turns…

  • MP6 – A Plugin Theme for WordPress Admin Page

    Getting eager on blogging simply means by replacing the existing, boring admin page theme. Download it here

  • Spend Out

    I just finished reading a point in a chapter of The Happiness Project (it’s a book, by Grethen Rubin, in case you’re wondering). It’s called: Spend Out. “A few years ago, my sister gave me a box of beautiful stationery for my birthday. I loved it, but I’d never use it. When I was mailing…

  • Remembering Birthdays

    I.. got up early today, woken up by my dad who was upset with my alarm that wouldn’t go off. My mistake. I didn’t realize the nyan cat theme song that danced through my dream. I went early too, but didn’t manage to arrive in time for morning prayer. The pos pengumben road has been…

  • Today’s Doodles

    July. Juki charly version. And Naoki Sato… Had a meeting with Juki team for HF9. See you there, guys! Anyway, I just changed my username on dA from danuve to hyoori. Which one’s better in your opinion? I also uploaded the Naoki doodle to it. Go visit and give a comment 🙂