Month: November 2013
Macaroni House
Drawing in Macaroni House Pesanggrahan… Place is quite good! But the chair wasn’t very comfortable…
HelloFest 9 Hype
Oh, hai. Finally I got the chance to attend one of the greatest pop culture festivals ever held in Indonesia: HelloFest Anima Expo 9, on November 9th. Spent quite a time finding where it took place (Senayan Swimming Pool area) since usually these kind of festivals were being held inside the Jakarta Convention Center. Turns…
MP6 – A Plugin Theme for WordPress Admin Page
Getting eager on blogging simply means by replacing the existing, boring admin page theme. Download it here
Spend Out
I just finished reading a point in a chapter of The Happiness Project (it’s a book, by Grethen Rubin, in case you’re wondering). It’s called: Spend Out. “A few years ago, my sister gave me a box of beautiful stationery for my birthday. I loved it, but I’d never use it. When I was mailing…
Remembering Birthdays
I.. got up early today, woken up by my dad who was upset with my alarm that wouldn’t go off. My mistake. I didn’t realize the nyan cat theme song that danced through my dream. I went early too, but didn’t manage to arrive in time for morning prayer. The pos pengumben road has been…
Today’s Doodles
July. Juki charly version. And Naoki Sato… Had a meeting with Juki team for HF9. See you there, guys! Anyway, I just changed my username on dA from danuve to hyoori. Which one’s better in your opinion? I also uploaded the Naoki doodle to it. Go visit and give a comment 🙂
Unlock Your Creativity
Collect books even if you don’t plan on reading them right away. nothing is more important than an unread library Don’t worry about doing research. just search Always be reading. Go to the library. There’s magic in being surrounded by books. Get lost in the stacks. Read bibliographies. Save your thefts for later Carry a…