Month: January 2016

  • The day I choose to move forward

    Yesterday was quite hard for me.  For I did a one on one discussion with KO regarding my resignation. He wanted to hear my answer for his offer days ago. I told him that I would have to refuse because I have signed a work contract with another company. That put him in a mad…

  • God who works

    From today’s fasting booklet (15th day): Genesis 1:1-2 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formlessand empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The bible starts with God, who created heavens and earth. Means: God works.…

  • The day I went under a pressured interview and tests

    Today is Tuesday, January 26th 2016. The day of my interview with Dragon Capital Center (DCC). Before I tell you about today, I would like to explain why I did an interview in the first place. It started months ago, when I asked Tomcrot for agency references. Some of the agencies given were ads or…

  • A Welcoming Post

    いっらしゃいませ。 わたしはヒョーリ宋です。 Actually I want to learn Japanese by using this blog. But right now it’s kind of impossible  because I only know several hiragana and katakana characters. I hope in the future I will be able to. Most of the posts will be private since this is supposed to be a private diary. Unfortunately there…

  • The day I realize that “Selling” is not just “selling.”

    Selling is not just “selling.” I often afraid to sell things to other people because I don’t feel like I put much effort on that activity of selling. It’s different from freelancing, where I put so much effort on the work I’m doing, and I felt bitter, and I thought that I am supposed to…

  • The day I tried to shut people out.

    My work was shining a little bit. I must have done index page of Printerous with colorful designs. And because I was afraid Clara would mock my design again, I sent it privately to KO for approval. Turns out he liked it and was OK with that. But before I finished the design, let me tell…

  • Day of Confusion

    I installed Mood Tracker on my phone to track my mood everyday. Especially at Printerous. Even if it’s only a month, I just want to know what I thought about Printerous truthfully. I worked on things (design etc. and quite good.) I wrote this on 24th which means I don’t exactly remember what happened at that time,…