The day I went under a pressured interview and tests

Today is Tuesday, January 26th 2016. The day of my interview with Dragon Capital Center (DCC).

Before I tell you about today, I would like to explain why I did an interview in the first place.

It started months ago, when I asked Tomcrot for agency references. Some of the agencies given were ads or digital agencies that specialize on campaigns. Personally, I don’t like campaigns. It is just up for some months before it is finally taken down. And the same applies to ads. It will require me to work overtime almost always, even though the payment is quite high.

Tomcrot referred DCC to me for its “amazing” site. Well. I suspect it was fishy and suspicious, because they said that they’re working on some kind of ‘platform’ that was such a top secret they wouldn’t tell. But their marketing was quite a try hard. They in fact tried hard to magnetize talented people out there with their marketing strategy of “no diploma needed. just show your work” thingy.

And months passed by, I filled out Harnod’s job application Typeform without apparent reason, and stated that I will need 2 months notice. Several days later Harnods replied my email and asked me to interview via Skype chat. I didn’t notice the “chat” so I put away some time exclusively for this “Skype Call” interview at Seven Eleven outlet near Printerous. TURNS OUT I WAS JUST A SKYPE CHAT. So yeah. No fuzz. No buzz. One day after the interview, the team accepted me just like that. Without meeting the real persons, without looking at the work environment. Without. Nay Nay. Long story short, I finally met the owner at Central Park after I asked him to (yeah I am the one who asked to meet the owner) and asked about things regarding work. The working hours, the etc. But wasn’t really satisfied nor at peace.

Okay now back to recent days.

I have told Ivan that I want to leave Printerous. February will be my last month there. But KO doesn’t want me to leave. He offered me a promotion to Product Designer. I refused. Then, he offered me a pay rise, for 7.5m per mo, starting April.

Going home, I was reallyyy confused about the pay rise offer. You can read it here. Well, the thing is, now I realize (while riding back home with GO-JEK) why KO offered me 7.5m after I wanted to resign. I sense that God wants me to know how much my value is. For I applied at Harnods asking only 6m  (only 500k raise and Viryani laughed at me -_-).

Then, Ivan told me about DCC TOO. Like gosh. What’s with this DCC? And after I got home, I discussed with Andy Panmomo, and he told me about DCC. Too. Again. AGAIN.

So after not much thinking, I sent CV and portfolio site to DCC mail. Got a call, interviewed, asked for 8m, and they approved it!

The Details of the Interview

I came at 9 AM today (too fast), using KRL Tangerang-Duri-Kampung Bandan route. Took only 45 mins at most. Took ojek also, and feels tricked because it’s so close (and paid 15k hmph). And then I wait until 10 AM. Greeted by Frans, and met Victor, also Erick. Then, while filling out forms, they had a conv with me regarding Printerous, the work I’m engaged in, etc etc. Overall, they are very kind and warm welcoming. I was lent an intuos wacom (small size) and they also offered me a laptop to work on UI test (if my laptop is too slow).

After that I have to pass a UI test that consist of creating a home campaign page and virtual shop game. This is what I came up:

Well… I know they suck. But who cares? First draft always sucks.

I worked for almost 5 hours (thank God Frans treated me nasi ikan crispy soooo yummy). Also I realized that the office is so close to mangga 2 mal. Meaning: I can go to carrefour often!!!!!!!! And buy cables if needed.

After finishing the test, they looked at it. Frans looked with his confusing expression (whether he was keeping a poker face, or he was face palming in mind). Long story short with some discussions, they agreed to accept me as part of their team. But I need to sign the contract right away if I want to know more about the platform (derp!) so out of consciousness (lol) I signed it! (even though God has given me time to think when Pak HRD was shalat-ing XD).

So here I am. After signed the contract, I was taken to look around the office and the office is sure uglier than Printerous. But I am having a high hope for the people inside it. It feels like I’m going to work at a company like Google or Facebook. Wish me blessed always!


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