Yesterday was quite hard for me. For I did a one on one discussion with KO regarding my resignation. He wanted to hear my answer for his offer days ago. I told him that I would have to refuse because I have signed a work contract with another company.
That put him in a mad situation where he was kind of cornering me with questions like “kamu tau kan kita mau launch April. Kamu mikir sampai sana gak? Dioffer tapi ga dijawab terus tiba-tiba udah sign dengan yang lain. Cukup tau aja. Kecewa Sien.”
Nothing has ever hit me hard other than this ‘kecewa’ word. I feel like I have crushed someones path eventhough many ppl told me that that is totally BS. Owners say things like that because they want to keep you in their companies. Everytime people said that to me, I felt very bad.
By the way, I’m continuing this post on Feb 3rd. Now the situation has softened. Ivan is okay with me to leave, and I think KO is too. I’ve told HR too.
So it’s okay. It doesn’t have to be remembered this way. On Feb 1st, Ivan reassured me that KO is not someone who will do things like bad mouthing people to others. Maybe sometimes, but it’s only for his dearest ones. It’s okay, people come and go. You can’t please everybody, sure thing. But if you are confident that you did nothing wrong, you did nothing wrong.
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