cokefloat reborn

decided to create a local directory to host this “lifetime blog”. since I now understand how git works for wordpress, it becomes easier. i basically don’t have to publish this blog if i still got no time. i can just publish this to my private github repository and it just works fine! i can access this from anywhere hahahahaha.

or maybe i should buy a valy cheap domain name? this might be crazy, but worth to try? just discourage search engine from indexing this site, and buy a new domain name, preferrably that has “cokefloat” in it, and then publish it haha. i might be able to join fanlistings if i have this site in public but separated from my portfolio. whaddya say?

also, after doing this hibi project, somehow i feel quite at ease with WP (and with the addition of git, of course!) by using git, it has made my work easier tremendously. I can add functions or css right into the code using sublime. no more using plugins like code snippets or ACF. since this is my own website, i don’t need to use ACF. this blocks editor r fine. make sure to maximize the potential of templates and patterns (dang i’m still having a hard time differentiating these two features).

oh ANOTHER IDEA!!!!! hmmmm actually acf can be good for mood and music / now listening to. or like current location (in a cafe? in my house? near the garage door? etc.)

maybe some cute pixel mood icons that i can just grab from the old sites somewhere since nobody’s gonna know hahahahahahahahahahahaha

shittttt it’s getting excited somehow. is this MY REAL hobby? so if someone asks me, what’s your hobby? i’d gladly answer: making websites. hAHahhahahahhaaa

ok since i havent customized ACF and it’s now 4:10 AM already, and tomorrow (or today?) I still have to go to the office…. (if you’re wondering, i’m working at catalyst now, in piot2) and davin asked if he can go to the office with me and katryn, so i’d better not be davin is my boss :/— i will write my mood and my song here

Listening to: Kaki King Spotify Radio → Alice Lake – North Americans
Location: Cosmo’s Sofabed
Mood: Excited, but tired at the same time (it’s 4 AM in the morning, duh!)
Foodies: Leftover salad, salted egg uncle lim, some sweets (chiki chocoballs, banana choco snacks like deka, etc…)


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