Month: February 2025
Negating the Negativity
Right now, I should have been working on my tasks, but instead, I open this diary and started writing! Haha. At first, I really wanted to vent because the Mega Call officer didn’t hang up my call. I forgot to hang it up because I was in the middle of answering Slack Chats. “These guys…
Resetting Commute
Yesterday, I was so close to resigning from my work, but today, the feeling is not that intense anymore. Maybe because the light mode workload has been slowly decreasing, and that I found a little bit of peace at work in Fridays (?). So I thought to myself, maybe I should switch my WFO days…
mumet bgt kepala. pgn risain trus ga ngapa2in. cuma turu, streaming, belajar bhs jepang, lamar2 kerjaan, or ya persiapan language course kalo bener2 ga diterima dimana2 tapi mslhnya gw bener2 hrs memperhitungkan banget pengeluaran di sana gimana dan butuh brp duit dllnya. karena ini bakal jadi the biggest expense in my life. sbnrnya orang2 ada…