nostalgic day

got invited by raymond to a whatsapp group containing old gbwc players including destra, herry, and nday. prepared for a shareyourtime photo concept but ended up coming to more meetings resulting in very minimal design work. decided to use father old photos and digging a rabbit hole until finally I revived this site.

this rabbit hole consist of my oldest blogs and sites, containing super random thoughts written by a gen alpha of the 90s. right now is already 4:23 AM and I’m planning to go wfh tomorrow since I still have 3 days left on the last days.

still dont know what to stream for this week tho. prolly pop cap games for low effort freetalks and a random singing competition with gopay prize.

shit. decided to change this site name to chisato0o cause I am afraid of a shameless creature named opiq / opick / opique that will find and stalk this blog eventually.

or should I just make this private instead so it wont be crawled by search engine and web archive? but I have to stay put with the password since I won’t be able to retrieve these writings anymore if I lost it.


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