The day when I rework habits

So, it’s been 3 days since I’ve been waking up so freaking early (4.30 the LG alarm goes off), and so freaking shocked too by the alarm that follows afterwards (6.30, the alarmon URGH). On the day before Feb 1st I prayed to God that by any means He woke me up (I felt like that!).

This waking up early thing turns out to be pretty interesting for I found the name of my future online store and bought the domain right away (on Feb 1st)! Then, on Feb 2nd, I have added many items from 1688 to my fav list so I can get back to it later, to list them on XLS and transfer it to Pindy.

The store name is NEZUMI (comes from nezumiiro「ねずみいろ」or grey in Japanese—while I still don’t want to acknowledge that nezumi 「ねずみ」 actually means rat/mouse). And the domain is (I bought from!). Just realized that local domainstore only provide cheap prices at the beginning and going back to normal price on the renewals. Renewal prices are so high, ranging from 400-500k. While hover’s price is $24.60 flat, also applies for renewals!

Anyway, go back to this ‘waking up early’ thing. I now come to a conclusion that Sean Wes is right. In the morning people can be really productive, because there are little distractions, and that our minds are still empty (well, not really, but you know what I mean). Meaning that before the stream of endless emails or to-dos come, we can do something that maybe if it’s done after work, it would suck. Like this kind of finding name thingy, or maybe drawing? I am really interested to practice this daily. But I am still afraid to tell other people about my improvement in this area. Because everytime I tell people, I failed. I just hate the way it goes like that ;_;. So I’ll just keep this to myself for now…

Don’t forget to keep on reading Gretchen’s Better Than Before!


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