
lol, many things happened these days. Final test.. happiness.. sadness.. flipped over ship.. hey wait, flipped over? ship? what’s this?

Yeah right, yesterday I went to mall and watched movie in theatre. The title was POSEIDON. Actually, I wanted to watch MI3 but at that time but I’m late for almost 1/2 hours so that want’or’not i should do, watch poseidon, and the film was GREAT! I like it very much. You too, watch it! Altough that the film was very sad, because the people died one by one. I just remembering it a lil bit, that make a sorrow situation on my mind.

well then, forget it. Now I must be prepared for my final test. Monday is EJAL, computer, and sociology. SO MANY and I must be crazy for a bit. I extremely WANT TO play video games but I CAN’T. The situation and condition make it.

And now SPAMMERS. They always try to pursue me. Only a day I didn’t check, there’re so many spammers queue in the awaiting moderation section. Feeling lucky if they’re chased by the awaiting moderations. If not? If they’re approved automatically? I’m tired of deleting them! Now I’m looking for some plugins. I think Image Verification may be good.

And the good news is, I FOUND MY STUDENT ID CARD. Without it, I can’t take my final test. I found that thing in my book. how stupid i am.

I’m sorry for never visited your blogs. I’m very busy. I just can take a rest for 5 hours a day. I’m too young to do that


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