Project Managing

I talked with Aru a while back. I asked about DCC because I just simply curious! And he said:

Project managing is crucial. SO I REALLY have to list the projects I’m doing. FYI I’ve been also documenting my expenses on Evernote. I know it sounds silly and stupid. But hey, it works. It might be even better than using any expense tracker apps.

Projects in my timeline

I will try to arrange it by deadline as accurate as I could.

    This should be done years ago!! Kidding. I allocated 40 mandays for this project and it goes sooo long maybe the client has been strucked by ice lightning. Kidding again.

    Feb 13: Ask Angga to invite me to new repo for artura-laravel.
    – After seeing repo: ask for content if there is any. try to put the content first before first live
    Feb 15: count the rest of invoice billing. remember just transfer angga’s payment after deducted from his loans to me earlier.
    After everything’s done: ask for last payment and put the site live

  2. Pureline Living
    – Feb 13: finish all pages (morning-evening) while listening to PAW songs. send them to Davy.
    – Feb 16: create logo alternatives
    – Feb 20: decide which items to import
  4. ePAW
    – Start on March. I can’t do it right now.
  5. Hyo_Arts
    – Feb 20:
    Finish Agaz’s drawing
  6. DCC
    – Feb 17: Take care of documents needed

On Feb 18 I can go fitness <3


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