The days when I forgot having a blog

I wrote “days” because the latest entry of this blog was the first time I got into DCC. That’s a very long time ago. Well, that’s 9 months ago. But I feel like I’ve been here for so long. What do you call “the days are longer”? Is it good or bad? Time flies fast when it’s good—or bad?

Right now I’m typing using my capdase bluetooth keyboard. It’s fast and responsive, but too bad my iPad isn’t. I think I still regret upgrading to iOS 8 (I hate you, Jose). This keyboard was bought from Capdase TA by me, who were tempted by the big discount—it’s so big, swear—50% to 70% off. It was 900,000 IDR or so before discounted. After discounted? 250,000 IDR. I’d rather say money is fana. And guess with whom I was buying this? With my boyfriend

I’ve been in love with this guy since week 2. And he’d been in love with me since day 2. I just know the fact that boys fall in love much faster than girls. But I didn’t know that it could be this soon. He said it started from when I asked what he’s listening to. And he instantly fell because I happened to know Alesana, his superior band. Eventhough it was just a casual knowledge because I befriended Rei. And I also had listened to some rawrkrawrhrahwra screamo songs inside Teddy’s (Vina’s bf) car. This, was indeed, special for him.

I know that I shouldn’t have fallen for him. But it happened just like that. Just because of his naivete, his kindness, his sweetness, his et cetera. I just can’t describe more, because he’s more than what you think

In this life, I’ve been looking for someone just like him. Who will listen to my sayings, even if it’s anger, or groans about illness. He would be very patient on me, who is so freaking sluggish at mostly anything. He’s a programmer. He’s familiar with back-end, front-end, and even app environment. He’s eager for the sake of learning. Eventhough his salary is less than mine, or that his family does not really compare with mine, I can sense his kindness and it’s far more than any material could measure. Or money. Or, well basically, anything.

More importantly, HE DOES NOT SUCK. He simply doesn’t suck. He approaches me very subtly that I even didn’t realize it coming. Yet he’s very caring. I guess he has the opportunity and chances because he could be with me every single mandays and while commuting. Even until I got home! While at work we also chatted, about music, about programming, design, weird videos, or our shitty coworkers. I saw him as a family lover. He loves his family so much. And he is very polite. He does not embrace me without my permission. He’s just, amazing.

But we know that our relationship can’t last long. We knew that from the start. So I happened to be a bit broken hearted, and repeatedly listened to Love Like This (Acoustic Version) by Kodaline. It’s happy and sad at the same time. But he said that he won’t regret meeting me. So I will do the same. I know that we will eventually be only best friends. No matter what, when that time comes, I shall be strong

So this situation kinda make me feel uneasy at work, or at any places we went to hang out. Thus we settled some rules. I think everyone also realizes that I’m so close with this guy. Even Wiwin, does not care about me anymore. We just happened to get away from 


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