Today I woke up 15 mins late and felt really bad

Ah, I should have gone to appraisal meeting with supervisor at 10am, but I missed it cause I overslept. I feel really bad right now because I seem like a person who can’t keep my promises. And I also constantly feeling depleted of energy / drained. I wonder why. Maybe because I try to do so many things at once, while in reality I have to choose which one to focus.

I can’t seem to set my feet on which thing that I’d want to do for the rest of my life. This Product Design thingy is getting out of control for me. In most times, I’d feel so dumb, wondering why my brain has to freeze all the time. And also this discipline problem really sucks my soul out of me. Would I be able to work in Japan someday, like what I have envisioned all this time?

I decided to try stopping my chat, movies, and gaming activities that I used to do (since I’m a natural FOMO), and replacing it with direct work. Well I’m still procrastinating by writing this entry tho, because I want to tell someone, but I have turned of chat (remember?), so I turn to this blog instead. This week would be my golden week cause I still have 1 circle left before I finally start all my extra music lessons again as a chance for me to focus on my work.

I really want to blame something or someone, but deep down inside, I know that the fault is within me. I so fear of missing out that I keep pushing to get everything at once. I hope one day I can be experiencing JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) instead.

from unknown posting time.


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