WOI, I got my report card today. It was MAGNIFICENT! BRAVO! BRILLIANT! MARVELOUS! ‘D’s for mathematics series.
The teacher’s comment was: Only occasionally has Visien reached the expected level of effort, working some way short of her best. If she is to achieve a higher grade in mathematics she must revise her notebook every day and she should repeat class and homework exercises as it appears that she has difficulties recalling key concepts and techniques. Thank you very much, Natalie Agustina Santoso
I received 3 certificates of excellence: English, Fundamentals of English, and Web design. I expected some cooler than them. But I knew I couldn’t since I’m not taking the Triple Science which are Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
I just hate anyone who said “I’m not good at all. I’m dull-witted.” But they got ‘A’s on their report cards. Fuker folks ๐
6 responses to “Report Card”
baca inggrisnya muantaaaab…
gw ampe puciiiing… huhuhuhu… -
come in = kambing, remember ???
“_Fuker_ folks :D”
j/kAnyway, congrats ๐
Apa itu
Gecko Jaya
Nama disamarkan =)) -
Inggris lu bagus nyong ngakunya kaga wakakka
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