I hate IE

The title says it all. Internet Explorer a.k.a. IE is a very annoying browser for some ‘lazy’ web designers including me. When I’ve finished a design, the first thing to do is to test it on major browsers whether it will or won’t work fine. First test on Firefox and it works perfectly. Second test on Opera. Third test on Camino, and so on; and finally,the last test, which is conducted on IE. Why last? Because I need to press my Macbook’s power button, click restart, and when he ‘dings’, press+hold option key, click the Windows HD icon, and voila! Congratulations I now can access IE.

The last test will always FAIL at first run. The design goes very messy. Still need to fix it with Crimson Editor and upload it to my web hosting server (since I haven’t already installed XAMPP on my Windows HD—I’m too lazy to do it) to see the differences.

Finished? BIG NO. Still need to check it on IE6, IE5, IE4, etc. and I bet it will be still messy!

I hate IE ๐Ÿ˜€

Oh and anyways! Do you like my current blog design? I’m planning to change it though ๐Ÿ™


4 responses to “I hate IE”

  1. just an idea, to hell with IE 6 and lower, use sevenup! ๐Ÿ˜€

    and that’s how you boot to windows? I always do StartupDisk.PrefPane restart. And to test on IE I always launch parallels, that way I don’t need extra text editor, xampp + all the yada yadas ๐Ÿ˜‰

    just my 2 cents. good luck with the design!

  2. lu mank na sekaranginternet pake apa v ??
    yang murah dan 800kbps ituu ??


  3. hoy! eh”. lu dpt peer dr blog gw. dikerjain ya!

  4. klo IE mah gw malah gk pernah test… firefox and opera… that’s enough… ๐Ÿ˜€

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