Author: yuri
Selama Seminggu Ini Baca
Selama seminggu ini baca buku straight A student dan dari buku itu saya belajar bahwa saya harus membuat jadwal untuk harian. Jadi saya coba membuat jadwal selama seminggu penuh dan mencoba untuk mengikutinya. Hari ini adalah hari pertama saya mengikuti jadwal yang sudah saya buat sebenarnya selama ini saya sering sekali membuat jadwal tetapi karena…
trying out text to speech
So today I try to follow the schedule I set before and I was quite excited however the temptation to go back to sleep was so huge that I finally went back to sleep for like about 10 minutes or so. Before I went back to sleep I also browse LinkedIn feed for like half…
The days when I forgot having a blog
I wrote “days” because the latest entry of this blog was the first time I got into DCC. That’s a very long time ago. Well, that’s 9 months ago. But I feel like I’ve been here for so long. What do you call “the days are longer”? Is it good or bad? Time flies fast…
I don’t know where to start…
So, it has been a veryyyyy long time since my last post. For your information, I’ve joined DCC now. And to be honest, I don’t know where to start telling my stories. They are all magical. But fortunately, I haven’t skipped tracked my mood on Daylio (a mood journal app on my phone). So I think I…
Project Managing
I talked with Aru a while back. I asked about DCC because I just simply curious! And he said: Project managing is crucial. SO I REALLY have to list the projects I’m doing. FYI I’ve been also documenting my expenses on Evernote. I know it sounds silly and stupid. But hey, it works. It might be even…
The day when I admit that I am an obliger.
Realizing that I am an obliger Based on Gretchen’s Four tendencies in her Book That I just begin reading Several days ago, I fall on this Obliger Tendency. That Means, I am better in Meeting outer expectations, but That does not Apply to my own Inner expectations. So I am in Trouble to do better…
Days of Meetups
Gong xi fa chai. Yesterday was Chinese New Year. I went to dad’s house (and the night before). There are too many things to type if I want to tell you everything. Instead I’ll just give you photos. Day after Chinese New Year I took a day off to work on WIRED logo and also to drive…
The day I realize that I’ve been an orphan for all this time
That is such a long title, right? Yesterday was Sunday, and the service was held by Ps. Anne. She used to be called Ci Anne by former fellows in my church (say, Daniel). And for the Praise & Worship, led by Big Daniel and Ci Tirza. PAW was very great, and continued by how Ci…
The day when I rework habits
So, it’s been 3 days since I’ve been waking up so freaking early (4.30 the LG alarm goes off), and so freaking shocked too by the alarm that follows afterwards (6.30, the alarmon URGH). On the day before Feb 1st I prayed to God that by any means He woke me up (I felt like that!).…