Project Managing
I talked with Aru a while back. I asked about DCC because I just simply curious! And he said: Project managing is crucial. SO I REALLY have to list the projects I’m doing. FYI I’ve been also documenting my expenses on Evernote. I know it sounds silly and stupid. But hey, it works. It might be even…
The day when I admit that I am an obliger.
Realizing that I am an obliger Based on Gretchen’s Four tendencies in her Book That I just begin reading Several days ago, I fall on this Obliger Tendency. That Means, I am better in Meeting outer expectations, but That does not Apply to my own Inner expectations. So I am in Trouble to do better…
The day when I rework habits
So, it’s been 3 days since I’ve been waking up so freaking early (4.30 the LG alarm goes off), and so freaking shocked too by the alarm that follows afterwards (6.30, the alarmon URGH). On the day before Feb 1st I prayed to God that by any means He woke me up (I felt like that!).…