Category: 未分類
The days when I forgot having a blog
I wrote “days” because the latest entry of this blog was the first time I got into DCC. That’s a very long time ago. Well, that’s 9 months ago. But I feel like I’ve been here for so long. What do you call “the days are longer”? Is it good or bad? Time flies fast…
I don’t know where to start…
So, it has been a veryyyyy long time since my last post. For your information, I’ve joined DCC now. And to be honest, I don’t know where to start telling my stories. They are all magical. But fortunately, I haven’t skipped tracked my mood on Daylio (a mood journal app on my phone). So I think I…
The day I realize that I’ve been an orphan for all this time
That is such a long title, right? Yesterday was Sunday, and the service was held by Ps. Anne. She used to be called Ci Anne by former fellows in my church (say, Daniel). And for the Praise & Worship, led by Big Daniel and Ci Tirza. PAW was very great, and continued by how Ci…
A Welcoming Post
いっらしゃいませ。 わたしはヒョーリ宋です。 Actually I want to learn Japanese by using this blog. But right now it’s kind of impossible because I only know several hiragana and katakana characters. I hope in the future I will be able to. Most of the posts will be private since this is supposed to be a private diary. Unfortunately there…
The day I realize that “Selling” is not just “selling.”
Selling is not just “selling.” I often afraid to sell things to other people because I don’t feel like I put much effort on that activity of selling. It’s different from freelancing, where I put so much effort on the work I’m doing, and I felt bitter, and I thought that I am supposed to…