Category: Design
The day when I admit that I am an obliger.
Realizing that I am an obliger Based on Gretchen’s Four tendencies in her Book That I just begin reading Several days ago, I fall on this Obliger Tendency. That Means, I am better in Meeting outer expectations, but That does not Apply to my own Inner expectations. So I am in Trouble to do better…
Basic Shape Robot
Ini mata kuliah pertama yang gue alami pas hari pertama kelas DKV. Namanya Komputer Grafis I. Karena ini matkul komgraf berseri yang pertama, namanya Komputer Grafis I. Nanti di semester dua, ada komgraf seri kedua, namanya Komputer Grafis II. Ga penting sih sebenernya, biar postnya jadi panjang aja. Di kelas, diajarin cara buka program Adobe…
Being Artfully Smart
Kepikiran untuk ngebantuin anak-anak DKV lain yang mirip gue. Susah untuk memulai, harus liat referensi / inspirasi dulu, baru bisa keluar deh itu idenya (yang emang ga selalu murni sih).. tapi gue pikir juga, karya yg diinspirasiin juga pasti terinspirasi dari hal lain, yang mungkin emang ga berbentuk ‘design’, misalnya terinspirasi dari alam semesta (cie),…
PockyPudding’s Randicons Entry
This is an entry for PockyPudding’s Randicons Contest xD! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I hate IE
The title says it all. Internet Explorer a.k.a. IE is a very annoying browser for some ‘lazy’ web designers including me. When I’ve finished a design, the first thing to do is to test it on major browsers whether it will or won’t work fine. First test on Firefox and it works perfectly. Second test…
Don’t Say We Love Genius
What I’ve experienced last week. I was in a hurry of getting a graphic tablet because it’s really a bad thing if you left something that was not belong to you for almost 1 year (thanks for your patience anyways). I needed this for my procrastinating projects. I started to feel uncomfortable if I use…
I made a forum discussion guys, check it out! It’s based on my school, whose name is IICS. Students from other schools are welcomed. I don’t really know if my schoolmates like to play around with forum discussion or not. But I’ve done a survey and most of them are interested on this project.
Working on vectors is exciting
Haha long time not see, I’ve been busy these days because I must prepare myself for final test. Sometimes I take a moment to play online game because this world kinda made me bored for throwing my TV into my sister’s room. Suckass. I can’t play PS2 anymore. So 3 days I played that online…