Category: Life

  • coda

    ketika sesama pemakai mac cacat menggunakan coda untuk kolaborasi

  • chrys’ homework

    Got this from her. Ten Random Facts About Me K. I’m actually not good at these, therefore decided to follow your flow =P 1. first child of two.2. loves kaki.3. cuts nails regularly =P4. .. fan of smashing-magazine?5. addicted to WALL-E.6. reads Eclipse but never get rid of it.7. hates Toku.8. is myopic.9. packages collector10.…

  • RPF

    lol, I’m sick with these RPF things.

  • Finally-Singapore

    It has been so incredibly long that I’ve left this little tiny writing space alone. Yea I know that you may guess the main reason is goin’ to be ended at Ragnarok Online. But really, it WAS not. I didn’t play Ragnarok Online for almost 2 weeks. A very magical moment. So, what kind of…

  • Happy Independence Day

    I was so busy lately thus couldn’t even update my own blog =/. No, not because of RO-ing made me sooo lazy to update this. But schoolworks =(. The biggest one was business plan, even though it was just first part of the entire business plan, but still. I had to turn off my internet…

  • Global Warming

    Keseringan dikasih tugas pidato dan tulisan tentang natural environment begini lah jadinya. Sampe hafal apa sebab dan akibatnya =/ Definisi dari Global Warming, silakan google. Penghematan Sumber Daya Kertas Bekas Daur ulang 50kg kertas = sebatang pohon pinus usia 20th. Produksi kertas dari bahan baku daur ulang akan menghemat 75% sumber energi, mengurangi 50% pencemara…

  • Arsip Skrinsut

    Ternyata gue dulu suka bikin yang aneh-aneh [images heavy]

  • Introducing Viper

    Introducing my new partner, Seagate FreeAgent Go 120 GB USB External Hard Drive Viper (inspired by the game DotA). His colours are black and orange though dominated by black. I don’t really like the shape. It just looks too big, and rough. But I like the orange light :). The price is about 800,000 IDR.…


    I made a forum discussion guys, check it out! It’s based on my school, whose name is IICS. Students from other schools are welcomed. I don’t really know if my schoolmates like to play around with forum discussion or not. But I’ve done a survey and most of them are interested on this project.

  • I Has A Dog

    Like the title says: I HAS A DOG (Now). It’s a Shih Tzu (perhaps), and got it from my father. Firstly named celeng (adapted from poleng), anjing mabok, si brutal, big boss, bogem, zucky, and then EBI. But it sounded no cool, so I changed it into: ABBY Abby .. might stands for Abigail. It’s…