Category: Rants

  • Get Bored.

    Can I get bored with Facebook? Because I’ve already done that with Twitter. It’s time to do some with Facebook. But When?

  • Yesterday and today, so tired.

    2 days ago (the day I bought external hard disk), I didn’t sleep cos I need to make name labels for artworks for my university’s design showcase. Right after I finished making them (was around 5 AM), I immediately prepared before going to campus and that means.. no sleeping, even napping. 6 AM, went to…

  • I hate IE

    The title says it all. Internet Explorer a.k.a. IE is a very annoying browser for some ‘lazy’ web designers including me. When I’ve finished a design, the first thing to do is to test it on major browsers whether it will or won’t work fine. First test on Firefox and it works perfectly. Second test…

  • WannaB sucks

    I’m in 12th grade now, the class has also been reset. There only are 3 classes now (were 4) and I’m in the third class (12.3). Why is it? It’s because there were so many of our classmates gone to other countries, either to go to college or directly get into universities. One of’em is…

  • Don’t Say We Love Genius

    What I’ve experienced last week. I was in a hurry of getting a graphic tablet because it’s really a bad thing if you left something that was not belong to you for almost 1 year (thanks for your patience anyways). I needed this for my procrastinating projects. I started to feel uncomfortable if I use…

  • He’s gone

    ceritanya berawal dari hari kamis gw rencananya mau ngedit video yang bakal make mac. jd gw bawa mac gw sama smuamuanya ama =pupu= (baca: ext hdd) gw. sampai d mobil gw br inget hr kamis ada chapel. dan gw merasa beruntung karena gw membawa mac gw di dlm tas conan gw karena dasi gw ada…

  • Report Card

    WOI, I got my report card today. It was MAGNIFICENT! BRAVO! BRILLIANT! MARVELOUS! ‘D’s for mathematics series. The teacher’s comment was: Only occasionally has Visien reached the expected level of effort, working some way short of her best. If she is to achieve a higher grade in mathematics she must revise her notebook every day…

  • Spam berserakan

    BUSYED! Inilah 1 kata yang benar-benar ingin aku lontarkan dengan sekuat tenaga saat ini. Gimana nggak? Sudah berminggu-minggu blog gak diupdate, yang ter-update malah GP untuk menuju level selanjutnya. Mulai deh tikus-tikus yang annoying berdatangan, trus ngasih messej-messej ga berguna serta ga bermutu dalam jumlah yang sangat banyakkk! Sifat dasar dan utama game online yang…

  • tragedi frengster

    hai kawannn.. lama tak bertemu / berjumpa / bertatap wajah / yeah dan juga setelah dilihat-lihat makin lama frengster? makin goblog™ aje. mau bilang Hebat Perubahan™! tapi jadi gag jadi. berhubung seperti yang dikatakan di samping (atau di atas) yaitu frengster adalah makin goblog™. pertamaadalah secara frengster dipenuhi oleh org-org bodoh yg tdk berdosa. FRIENDSTER…

  • Speedy, u sux

    Telkom SPEEDY, layanan ADSL yang (katanya) berkecepatan tinggi. Dengar-dengar layanannya memuaskan dan gak dibatasi pemakaiannya. Mula-mula, udah seneng banget tuh bisa internetan non-stop lagi kayak jaman dulu rumah masih di Taman Alfa Indah. Dulu ada cable. Kalau ADSL kan dibatasin pemakaiannya, limitku 1 GB. Lama-kelamaan, muncul juga yang namanya konpelik, bukan konfeleks tapi konpelik. Lampu…