Category: Reflection
Resetting Commute
Yesterday, I was so close to resigning from my work, but today, the feeling is not that intense anymore. Maybe because the light mode workload has been slowly decreasing, and that I found a little bit of peace at work in Fridays (?). So I thought to myself, maybe I should switch my WFO days…
The day I choose to move forward
Yesterday was quite hard for me. For I did a one on one discussion with KO regarding my resignation. He wanted to hear my answer for his offer days ago. I told him that I would have to refuse because I have signed a work contract with another company. That put him in a mad…
God who works
From today’s fasting booklet (15th day): Genesis 1:1-2 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formlessand empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The bible starts with God, who created heavens and earth. Means: God works.…