Category: Tech

  • MP6 – A Plugin Theme for WordPress Admin Page

    Getting eager on blogging simply means by replacing the existing, boring admin page theme. Download it here

  • Event apa




    lblbalbalb ablab asdhakhsdksdhkgsdhksgdfh [note] This post was intentionally made to show one of my clients how wordpress and its rss-feed-to-twitter-timeline worked. And it turns out funny, so I decided not to delete this post 😀 [/note]

  • Pentingnya Folder ‘Downloads’




    Awal-awal rilis leopard, kita bisa pakai stacks. Stacks tu sesuatu yg ada d bagian kanan dock kita. Sebenernya termnya bukan stacks sih, gua ga tau apaan dan males nyari juga. Yang jelas doi bisa jadi bentuk folder, bisa jadi bentuk stacks. Pada di pic di atas, kalo bentuk folder itu seperti 2 folder pada bagian…

  • Styling Folders




    When I got nothing to do, here’s the thing that I would make up to make me doing something: Anyway I didn’t make the icons and backgrounds. I just ‘mixed’ them.

  • Download Video Youtube

    Daripada kupipes link ke [www], mending jadiin link berikut ini bookmarklet: MP4 it (caranya di drag ke bookmarks toolbar di atas) Nanti kalo udah, coba aja buka 1 video di youtube, terus klik bookmarkletnya, terus ntar muncul kyk gini: Tinggal di ctrl klik Download as MP4 nya <3

  • I hate IE



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    The title says it all. Internet Explorer a.k.a. IE is a very annoying browser for some ‘lazy’ web designers including me. When I’ve finished a design, the first thing to do is to test it on major browsers whether it will or won’t work fine. First test on Firefox and it works perfectly. Second test…

  • Migration Succeeded!



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    Muhaaahahaa finally I got this domain name! Thanks Sylvii for your COOL recommendation xD. Gotta get used to type v i n e s a .com asap! It’s hard to decide whether it’s better to change current designs or not because I’m a person that can easily be bored and to be honest I am…

  • Is Thinking For a New Domain Name



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    The title looks like twitter status eh? xD. The truth is, I’m planning a new name because current name is going to be expired within 60 days. I already had a plan with Angga to share domain each other but later I think that it’s not going to be that easy, since we are designers…

  • Don’t Say We Love Genius



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    What I’ve experienced last week. I was in a hurry of getting a graphic tablet because it’s really a bad thing if you left something that was not belong to you for almost 1 year (thanks for your patience anyways). I needed this for my procrastinating projects. I started to feel uncomfortable if I use…

  • iPhun Impian Segala Bangsa




    Njrits akhirnya kesampean juga ni iPhunâ„¢ dengan harga yg gue bener bener kaga tau sebenerya murah ato mahal yaitu adalah bahwa 6.4 jeti. plus usb adaptor, handsfree, simcard AT&T (hi hi hi), dan JARUM PENTUL (bagi yang gak tau untuk apa jarum pentul ini, tanya kenapa). jadi waktu itu gue lagi jalan-jalan di mal puri,…