Category: Uncategorized
cokefloat reborn
decided to create a local directory to host this “lifetime blog”. since I now understand how git works for wordpress, it becomes easier. i basically don’t have to publish this blog if i still got no time. i can just publish this to my private github repository and it just works fine! i can access…
UX Trip to Singapore!
Summary: The author, a designer at Ice House Corp, traveled to Singapore for the UXSEA Summit 2019. They shared experiences from their visit, including enjoying the hotel breakfast, attending the summit, and networking with industry professionals. The author expressed excitement for future posts about their extended trip.
nostalgic day
got invited by raymond to a whatsapp group containing old gbwc players including destra, herry, and nday. prepared for a shareyourtime photo concept but ended up coming to more meetings resulting in very minimal design work. decided to use father old photos and digging a rabbit hole until finally I revived this site. this rabbit…
Bangun kesiangan T.T, jam 6.39.52 :p. Sampai di sekolah ada kecoa :)), temen sekelas gw, Leo, jungkir balik gara” liat tu kecoa [ceritanya dia takut bgt sama kecoa :p]. Terus pas olahraga, gw, ama temen gw, asik bgt ngeliatin pasangan smu 1 lg beduaan :)) [Jason dan ???? :p].[nyanyi numb kenceng”] hihihii anak2 smu pada…
Today I woke up 15 mins late and felt really bad
Ah, I should have gone to appraisal meeting with supervisor at 10am, but I missed it cause I overslept. I feel really bad right now because I seem like a person who can’t keep my promises. And I also constantly feeling depleted of energy / drained. I wonder why. Maybe because I try to do…
Mau tidur cepet gagal maning
pdhal udh ngeset waktu khusus utk ielts. eh malah ntn yutup btr terus google2 ga jelas akhirnya skr ud jam sgini lg anjaaaaay.. (12.44) tuolooong gmn y biar bs bobo jam 10 bgt bgt time hrs set ngrjain ielts 2 jam min sih. gila. klo krg dr 2 jam kynya gue ngrjainnya ga konsen…
Selama Seminggu Ini Baca
Selama seminggu ini baca buku straight A student dan dari buku itu saya belajar bahwa saya harus membuat jadwal untuk harian. Jadi saya coba membuat jadwal selama seminggu penuh dan mencoba untuk mengikutinya. Hari ini adalah hari pertama saya mengikuti jadwal yang sudah saya buat sebenarnya selama ini saya sering sekali membuat jadwal tetapi karena…
trying out text to speech
So today I try to follow the schedule I set before and I was quite excited however the temptation to go back to sleep was so huge that I finally went back to sleep for like about 10 minutes or so. Before I went back to sleep I also browse LinkedIn feed for like half…
Tentang yang dulu-dulu
Sebenernya gw pengen banget tuh temenan lagi sama temen2 gw yang dulu, tapi kok kayaknya ga bisa ya? Mereka udah ada dunia sendiri. udah beda. Udah gak kayak dulu lagi. Mungkin kalo kita ketemu lagi, kita pasti bingung mau ngomong apa selain the legen wait for it dary variations of gimana kabar questions. Kalo kata…
atap rubuh
Kaget nggak lihat judulnya? Pasti dong.Asli! Atap gue rubuh, loe pada tahu kan sekarang Jakarta Barat lagi kena musibah apa? Buat yang bukan juragan benwit mending jangan diklik. Banyak skrinsut. Sebenarnya judul ini adalah bohong. Biasalah, strategi marketing.. Selesai lunch break, gue yang udah berdebar-debar karena sehabis lunch akan ada math ex.1 test. Tetapi gue salah…