Haaahahaa gue jarang update.. karena gue main Seal lagi! maklum .. soalnya liburan ane ga kemana-mana dan ga ngapa-ngapain :”>.
Jadi pas lagi iseng-iseng ngecek email, gue dapet email dari temen yang gue kenal dan gue tau keberadaannya. Email ini bener-bener bikin gue kasihan, bayangin aja kalo beneran kejadian kayak gini? Tapi sudah dapat dipastikan ini bukan dia yang kirim karena.. doi orang Indonesia dan dipanggilnya pake nama depannya (Serafina / Fina). Berikut isi emailnya:
From: Serafina Jessica
Subject: My Predicament !!!Hi,
This had to come in a hurry and it has left me in a devastating state. I’m in some terrible situation and I’m really going to need your urgent help. Some days ago,unannounced, I came to visit a resort center in South Glamorgan UK,England..but I got mugged by some hoodlums and lost all my cash,credit cards, I’m financially stranded right now and my return flight leaves in few hours time but I need some money to clear some bills, I didn’t bring my cell phone along since I didn’t get to roam them before coming over. So all I can do now is pay cash and get out of here quickly.I do not want to make a scene of this which is why I did not call my house,this is embarrassing enough.I was wondering if you could loan me some cash, I’ll refund it to you as soon as I arrive home just need to clear my Hotel bills and get the next plane home, As soon as I get home I’ll refund it immediately. Write me so I can let you know how to send it.Jessica..
Wat? Jessica? Sejak kapan ente dipanggil gitu? Gue reply kayak gini:
To: Serafina Jessica
Tapi dibalesnya kaga nyambung gan…
From: Serafina Jessica
Subject: RE: My Predicament !!!Hello,
Glad you replied back to my email..I`m dead serious here and how do you expect me to be kidding with this kind of deep mess,I have nothing left on me and i’m grateful to God that i still have my life and my passport cos it would have been worst if they made away with my passport.I am so confused right now as i wasn’t injured because I complied immediately.I have limited access to emails for now,please i need you to loan me about $2,000 so i can make arrangements to sort my bills and return back I am full of panic now and the police only asked me to write a statement about the incident and directed me to the embassy,i have spoken to the US Consulate here but they are not responding to the matter effectively,I will refund the money back to you as soon as i get home.You really need to be prompt with your response as i am using the computer at the receptionist which am using to send you this message and the management must not know the receptionist is helping me out with the internet on her desk.Confirm the receiver`s details below..
You could help have it wired to me via Western Union. Here’s my info below
Receiver`s Name: Serafina Jessica
Receiver`s Location: 5 King Street, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 1SZ, United Kingdom.As soon as it is done, kindly get back to me with the confirmation number. will let you know as soon as I get the money. In case you find it difficult to locate the nearest western union outlet, Kindly look it up on www.westernunion.com and i`m sure you get the nearest outlet close to you on the site.
WTF gan? Gue minta dia reply pake bahasa indonesia, dan dibalas dengan inggris! definitely a scam.. terus gue coba tanya sama mbah google
Anonymous: Somebody in a dire state, requiring your sympathy and, more importantly, you money quickly. Sounds like a scam to me. Ask them to ring you through a pay phone if you want to make sure and confirm it is them, but I would be very suspicious of the situation.
THE INTERNET: yea its pretty obviously a scam, unless you know the name the fellow left behind, if you do, attempt contact with him/her and his/her family before ANYTHING
do not respond to it
Pidgepidg: I am so glad I found this post–I received this email today from a friend. What’s weird is that they had opened a hotmail account in my friend’s name and signed off with his first name. it sort of made sense as I am one of his only friends that lives in the UK, but I was still suspicious, so pulled him up on my facebook account (where we’re friends) and wrote him from there, saying I’d gotten an email but it was suspicious, so write back directly through Facebook if it really is him. I then got another reply on Facebook from ‘him’ (his photo, his Facebook account that he’s had for ages) saying “Oh no…l know this sounds weird and you wouldn’t believe me…Yes, am really stucked out here in the UK and it’s so devastating at the moment.l wish l could cal but l don’t have access to phone at the moment , I really need your help to get myself out of this mess. The hotel management has been kind to let have an access to a library to get across to anybody to help me since my luggages was also taken away.Hope to hear from you soon…..I don’t really have much time i’m in a Local Library right now please get us out of here…(his name)”
But the spelling and grammar made me suspicious so I wrote back and said, “If this is you, answer these three questions” and gave questions that he should know the answer to (the name of my college roommate, etc). Of course he didn’t write back, and now his Facebook account has been deleted.
So presumably what happened was: they broke into his Facebook account, looked up names and emails of friends, created a hotmail account using his last name, and emailed me. I’m very skeptical but must admit this one had almost going for a minute…
Liat jawapan Pidgepidg yang terakhir gan.. itu lebih kaco lagi, ampe pesbuk-pesbuknya juga dibajak. kasian bener tu orang gan :(.
Setelah itu,, gue bales lagi gini:
To: Serafina Jessica
Subject: RE: My Predicament !!!I don’t believe you cuz you did not reply my message in Bahasa.
dibalesnya gene gan:
From: Serafina Jessica
Subject: RE: My Predicament !!!Ciao,
Contento che ha risposto alla mia mail .. I `m morti gravi qui e come si aspettano che io sia scherzando con questo tipo di disordine profondo, non ho nulla su di me e sono grato a Dio che ho ancora la mia vita e il mio passaporto cos sarebbe stato peggio se hanno fatto via con la mia passport.I Sono così confusa, come in questo momento non mi è stato ferito perché ho rispettato immediately.I avere un accesso limitato alle e-mail, per ora, mi pare bisogno di te per me prestito circa 2.000 dollari modo che io possa prendere accordi per ordinare le mie fatture e tornare Io sono pieno di panico ora e solo la polizia mi ha chiesto di scrivere una dichiarazione circa l’incidente e mi ha indirizzato verso l’ambasciata, ho parlato con il Consolato degli Stati Uniti, ma qui si non risponde alla questione in modo efficace, mi rimborserà i soldi indietro al più presto i get home.You davvero bisogno di essere pronto con la sua risposta, come io sto usando il computer alla receptionist che sto usando per inviare questo messaggio e la gestione non deve sapere la centralinista mi sta aiutando con internet sulla sua scrivania.Confermare il ricevitore `s dettagli di seguito ..
Si potrebbe contribuire a farla cablata a me tramite Western Union. Ecco di seguito i miei dati
Ricevitore `s Nome: Jessica Serafina
Ricevitore `s Posizione: 5 King Street, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 1SZ, United Kingdom.Non appena si è fatto, gentilmente tornare a me con il numero di conferma. faremo sapere non appena ho i soldi. Nel caso in cui si fatica a individuare il punto vendita più vicino Western Union, gentilmente cercarlo su www.westernunion.com e I `m sicuri di ottenere il più vicino punto vendita vicino a voi sul sito.
Grazie …
Jessica …
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